heart theme

Sunday, October 23, 2016


Our new dog Minion is a very nice dog. She loves to go on walks but when she is not out on a walk she is generally sleeping. Not very playful but sweet and obedient. By some miracle when we got the dog the kids all agreed on the name Minion.

check out that spotted tongue :)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

old post that never got posted

enjoying a hike with Dad

I started this post in the fall of 2015, but never posted so a more recent post is soon to follow. This is my attempt at getting back to blogging at least more than once every 3 years.

Grandma made a special bedspread for Savvy in her favorite colors

A cowgirl, Shredder, a bleeding skeleton, and a lil ninja

Jonas doing the monster mash with classmates

square dancing for the dance festival

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Catch up

Trying to play catch up here cause I just haven't been taking the time to blog. So the following pictures are birthdays n holidays in a nutshell

Monday, November 03, 2014

New House and Halloween

It's been sooo long since I've posted partly because of a computer that is nearly dead with 4 missing key buttons taken off by chubby little fingers. Fast forward 5 months, we have moved into our new home across town. My favorite part, the backyard The kids love to be out there. Jonas started 3rd grade and loves his teacher Savannah started kindergarten and is doing great, Dax keeps us laughing or wanting  to pull our hair out alternately, and little Luke is walking now. He tries to keep up with the big kids.

Luke turned 1 yr old! 5 months ago...yay!

cousin Eli came for a visit over the summer

chillin out back in the summer 
1st day of school

my little bubba

enjoying fall

Dax turned 3 in Oct and got a big wheel

hulahooping at the dance festival

a bleeding skeleton and tiger lily for Halloween

a beautiful surprise

Sunday, April 27, 2014


 James and  I are finding that trying to keep up with life when you have 4 young kids ain't always a walk in the park. I feel like the ages and stages of my kids right now combined with their unique personalities has created quite the challenge for us. Of course it has also brought us a lot of joy and fun, and entertainment as well. A little while ago a woman at church said that rather than believing that Heavenly Father would not give us more than we can handle,  she believes that he regularly gives us more than we can handle because that is when we turn to him and seek his help and  guidance. For me that really rang true as I daily seek for help and lots of it. :) Of course I wouldn't change a thing.
 My little buddy in  the kitchen, he is at that stage where he just loves to open up cupboards and drawers and pull things out.

 These boys....not sure my sanity will survive being their mom, however can't imagine my life without them and I love them so much. I just wish they came with some sort of instruction manual

making a cozy bed out of the laundry basket

pretending to be puppies

 Sooo, we've started potty training this kid and haven't made much progress yet. I would love to move to the stage where he has a desire to wear big boy unders the right way

Sav's new favorite food is chips and guacamole

Easter egg hunt pics. I like how Jonas decided to have on  both pj pants and

chocolate rice yumm